What is Vesper & Vixen’s hallmark signature?
We take huge pride in our independence, close servicing, trust and discretion.
How does a risk journey typically start?
Vesper & Vixen take extreme care to ensure our assignment is fully understood and a detailed agreement is put to our client before we start. We believe clarity and transparency are best-served from the very beginning.
Are Vesper & Vixen brokers or consultants?
We are consultants first and foremost, but equally fully capable of facilitating broking solutions. We are not restricted to any exclusivities or other trading restrictions.
Can we agree a tailor-made agreement with Vesper & Vixen?
Yes, in act every single one of our retainers is customer-specific and we readily agree specific stipulations in line with our clients’ needs.
How long does a Vesper & Vixen appointment last?
This really depends on the task at hand and can be either on a spot basis, short-term or even long-term appointment basis.
How do Vesper & Vixen guarantee confidentiality?

We take extreme care to avoid being conflicted and operate a system of ‘Chinese walls’ between clients and assignments. We will never work on conflicting assignments and will flag any such possibility openly with our clients, even if that means relinquishing an projects.

How do Vesper & Vixen organise communication?
We make a point of engaging with our clients in a proactive manner with clear and timely communication protocols to match. We abhor misunderstandings or lack of clarity.
Can Vesper & Vixen organise training sessions for my employees?
Yes, in fact we quite like talking to operational people and exchange knowledge. This ensures we stay up-to-date and enhances close cooperation.
We are a company without risk nor insurance manager, how can Vesper & Vixen help us?
We can offer insourced-managerial solutions acting in your best interests, which tends to be more competitive yet equally effective compared to an outright recruitment.
We are a broker and looking to develop new business, how can Vesper & Vixen help us?

We can provide assistance to make inroads into new business, target industries and/ or markets as well as offer tactical, marketing, technical and commercial advise on a freelancing basis.

We are a financial institution and looking to mitigate our insurance risks, how can Vesper & Vixen help us?
We can offer a range of insurance validation tools to mitigate your credit and operational risks linked to trade financing.
What delivery timelines can Vesper & Vixen commit to?
Depends on the assignment and obviously varies but once agreed in our retainer, we deliver upon our word and commitments without fail.
How are Vesper & Vixen typically remunerated?

This depends on the client’s preferences and the assignment to be undertaken. V&V always negotiate retainer terms transparently upfront with our clients and this can typically be based on hourly/daily rates, commissions or lumpsum remuneration, based on the extent and scope of the work.

Where does the name Vesper & Vixen come from?
We would have to charge too many hours to tell the full story!